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Folks round here often say 'pirate' when they should say they don't know what's wrong. There are legitimate circumstances in which some pirate versions can cause crashes, but those are generally well-known. People use the 'pirate' reasoning on here too often. If it was crashing for me, the way it is for you, I'd have walked away a long time ago. If someone finds Vegas to be a constantly-crashing mess, they should try something else. I absolutely agree with you - you should stop using Vegas. net runtime or add a DLL or any of the billion other things it could be. But that's not helpful either because people want software that just works without them having to fix their faulty Windows setup or install their graphics card drivers again or fix a. With some of those people, I've gone through their problem with them and can fix it most of the time. There are clearly a lot of people for whom Vegas crashes often.

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But as I like to say, the plural of anecdote is not data. Despite using it at least twice a week, it crashes on me two or three times a year.

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